Programme name: Alzheimer's and Related Dementia Care and the Family Dynamic

Dates: November 28th & December 5th, 2022

Overview: This six-hour workshop, delivered over two, three-hour sessions, is designed to increase participants' understanding and knowledge of caring for someone living with dementia, including Alzheimer's dementia, and the importance of family involvement in dementia care. Topics discussed are as follows: Understanding Dementia (dementia explained; a caregiver's journey); Caring for Someone with Dementia (common behavioural and mood changes; involving the rest of the family).


At the end of this workshop participants will be able to

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of Alzheimer's disease and five other related dementias, their similarities and differences, and how they impact on cognitive functioning and communication.
  2. Explain the differences between and among six types of dementia, including Alzheimer's, the most common of the six.
  3. Identify how relationships change for both the caregiver and the person living with dementia, and how changing roles hinge on our attitudes about them.
  4. Describe the make-up of a dementia care team as a means to ensuring the well-being of the person living with dementia.
  5. Discuss six most common and bevioural mood changes.
  6. Explore various aspects of family involvement so as to gain an understanding of why family support matters.

Audience: Informal and professional caregivers and healthcare workers who work with Alzheimer's/dementia patients, as well as the wider general audience.

Facilitator: Mrs. Michele Clavery, President, Alzheimer's Association of Trinidad & Tobago


To register now please click or tap here  



Meet the Facilitator:

Michele Clavery

Michele Clavery

Michele Saunders Clavery is a lifelong educator with almost 40 years experience in the field of education, first at the secondary, and now at the tertiary level. She holds a Master's Degree in Education; a post-grad professional Diploma in Education; a Diploma in Marketing and Advertising, and a Bachelor's degree in English and Political Science.

She currently serves as Head of the Continuing Studies department at the Cipriani College of Labour and Cooperative Studies, CCLCS. She has served as Senior Lecturer and Head of the General Education department. She is Former Head, Developmental Education department and serves as Head of the Writing and Editing Committee Self Study for accreditation at CCLCS. An Anglican by choice, and a columnist for the Anglican Outlook, Ms. Clavery's involvement with AzATT spans 16 years. Her interest was, and still remains, as a result of her father who lived with Alzheimer's for many years before his passing. She is a former Board member and VP of the Alzheimer's Association of Trinidad and Tobago and has represented AzATT at home and abroad at conferences. Ms. Clavery has had training in the Dementia Capable Care Foundation Course, CPI, which qualifies her to deliver introductory level courses in dementia care.


For further information and registration please contact:

Tel: (868) 225-1299 ext. 2119 or 705-5633 or 482-8995

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.