UWI-ROYTEC Student Council


The UWI-ROYTEC Student Council is a Representative Committee for students with democratically elected officers drawn from the entire student population. The overall purpose is to promote the interests of the student body and to foster Academic and Social development. All students pay a Student Council fee of $100 per academic year.

The activity of the Student Council is facilitated by the Student Welfare Officer who acts as a liaison between the Student Council and the Administration of UWI-ROYTEC.

The main purposes of the UWI-ROYTEC Student Council are as follows:

  • to promote the interest of the student body in cooperation with University Management, Faculty and Students.
  • to promote a progressive team spirit and community involvement while seeking ways to improve the campus environment.
  • to represent students' views and act as a channel for student concerns  in a diplomatic manner.
  • to act as a consultative body in the development and implementation of new and existing academic policies involving students,  and in promoting collaboration among students, lecturers and Administration.